Contact lenses are lenses worn right over the cornea encircling its entire surface. They are thin plastic disks enhancing the facial features by eliminating the need to wear spectacles. Contact lenses are comfortable to use when proper care is provided and the wearer uses a protective plain glass while driving.

These lenses serve as a remedy to refractive errors namely myopia (near-sightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism (cylindrical power). Coloured contact lenses enable the wearer to customize beauty.  Therapeutic lenses or bandage lenses are worn to protect the cornea and promote the healing of a diseased eye. 

Lens Types

Contact lenses can be broadly classified as:

1) Hard contact lenses: They are the gas permeable or RGP contact lenses, which allow direct penetration of oxygen through the lens. These are known to provide sharper vision than soft contact lenses.

 2) Soft contact lenses: These lenses are flexible than their hard counterparts. They indirectly allow penetration of oxygen in the air through them. Soft lenses can be worn for a relatively longer time and hence commonly used.

The soft contact lenses are available in the form of monthly, weekly & daily disposable lenses, at your convenience and budget. The frequency of replacement of contact lenses is directly related to the health and comfort of your eyes.

Toric contact lenses rectify astigmatism (cylindrical power). They come as both rigid and soft contact lenses.

People with repeated eye infections, dry eye and allergies are medically unfit to wear contact lenses.

Color Contact lens

General safety precautions       

* It is strictly advised to not share your lenses with others.

* Adhere to the schedule prescribed by your doctor for wearing lenses.

* Do not wet the lenses with saliva or water. Use only the cleaning solution provided at the time of purchase.